Worthy Brands Update | Shark Tank Season 15

Paige Brattin pitched Worthy Brands on Shark Tank Season 15, seeking $250,000 in exchange for 10% equity in the company.

The company manufactures eye patches that can solve the problem of amblyopia in children. She revealed that her 5-year-old daughter suffered from amblyopia and is now treated with eye patches.

Brattin is trying to solve a significant health problem. But will the sharks find this to be a worthy investment? Find out in our Worthy Brands update!

Worthy Brands Founder on Shark Tank

Worthy Brand Update

If you’re short on time, here’s a brief overview of what happened to Worthy Brands after Shark Tank!

Worthy Brands couldn’t secure any investment in Shark Tank Season 15. In terms of company updates, Worthy Brands is doing pretty well business, and they expanded their product line up. Apart from eye patches, they also offer wound and port patches.

Worthy Eye Patches has received strong positive reviews from Amazon, and customers really love their products. Our team followed up with the See Worthy Eye Patch founder for more details. As soon we get new information, we’ll update them here.

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About Worthy Brands

Paige Brattin is the founder of See Worthy Eye Patches. She has designed the product herself. The design has breathable materials and medical adhesives that stick safely to the skin.

The eye patch has a unique shape that fits the eye socket much more comfortably and fits infants to adults.

The founder designed the eye patch for her daughter, who had Refractive Amblyopia during childhood. The founder’s vision is to help other children regain their vision.

Shark Tank Worthy Brands Pitch Recap

The founder started the pitch by telling a story about her 5-year-old daughter, who suffered from amblyopia, and how these eye patches solved her vision loss problems.

Candace: I love that you are bringing dignity, joy, and fun to what can really be a challenging situation for kids. You said 1 in 45 kids, but what does that equate to?

Founder: That’s about 2 million children in the U.S. alone.

Kevin then asked when and how long the child had to wear the patch.

Founder: So, each diagnosis is different. Some kids have to wear an eye patch for two hours a day for six months. My daughter had to wear 8 hours a day for six years.

Mark: I had to deal with patches for my father. When I was 1, he lost his eye in an accident. So, we lived with patches all the time. There are others out there in the industry,

The founder then revealed that there is only one other big company that actually makes such eye patches.

Candace: Are they designed like yours are? Do they have patterns or colors?

Founder: The traditional eye patch is pear-shaped, which can cause under-eye strain. My designs are unique and tackle such issues.

Kevin then asked the founder about the revenue and sales of the business.

The founder revealed they sold about $150,000 in their first year of operation in 2019. After that, they have made $1.7M in sales in the past four years.

Kevin: What do they sell for?

Founder: They sell for $27.50 on my website and $28.50 on Amazon.

Daymond John then asked about the marketing tactics that the founder is using to find customers.

Candace: Are you using social media at all for customer acquisition?

Founder: Barely. I am, but I’m not very good at it.

Mark: You don’t spend any marketing at all. And you don’t even have to.

The founder then said she goes to one pediatric ophthalmology conference where she meets all the doctors and partners with them.

Founder: I’m directly competing with this more prominent company. That is why I am here. I am looking more for the doors you can open than the money, to be honest.

Lori: So, are you just running the business alone?

Founder: Me, myself and I.

Mark: Those are always the best partners.

Candace: I started Sprinkles with $200,000 and cash-flowed and bootstrapped that business into a national brand. Only two people were on the cap table when I sold it to private equity. And I hope the same goes for you.

Kevin then says he prefers to advocate for the product by usage before making any deals. He won’t be able to invest in the business currently, so he went out.

Mark: I think you’ve got the best partners already, “me, myself and I.” I think you’ve got it all under control. You don’t need a partner. So, for those reasons, I am out.

The founder said they are also trying to license their patches, which can be used for commercial purposes other than just health.

John: You know that’s an easy call that you can make. You don’t need any help for that. You are doing great, and you are going to do better. I am out.

Lori also left the deal but is interested in licensing and will connect with the founder later.

Candace: I am so moved by what you have done. I would never bet against a mom doing something for their child. I think you are doing great on your own. So, for that reason, I am out.

Final Words

Worthy Brands didn’t get any deal on Shark Tank. But, the founder feels confident about going forward alone without a shark. If the sharks think she is doing well alone, she should probably continue doing it that way.

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